Weathering-resistant steels provide lasting protection against the effects of the weather, with the benefit that you can dispense with corrosion-protection painting or coating, and their continuous maintenance, for your structures. This enhances durability, cuts maintenance costs, and also generates other practical benefits, in cases such as poorly accessible bridge structures, for example.
Thanks to the addition of special alloying elements, weathering-resistant steels do not just rust away under exposure to normal atmospheric conditions, but instead form a stable, corrosion-inhibiting surface patina. It is therefore possible to omit any corrosion-protection painting or coating, a fact which assures significant benefits for the maintenance and the durability of your structures. Engineers wishing to use weathering-resistant steels must adhere to certain design structures. Various national codes of practice, such as DASt. (German Committee for Steel Construction) Code of Practice 007, for example, provide assistance on this.
Innovative top-quality steel products, total orientation around our customers' needs and unceasing technological development in close cooperation with our partners form the basis of our success - as they have for more than 333 years.
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