28. April 2010
Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke (Dillinger Hütte) and Saarstahl AG will work together more closely in the future and the SHS - Stahl-Holding-Saar GmbH & Co. KG a.A. (SHS, formerly: SHS - Struktur-Holding-Stahl) – as a direct resp. indirect majority shareholder of both companies – will undertake tasks for Saarland’s steel industry actively as well as identify and exploit additional synergies.
For this the way was further opened in December 2008 (see also press release of Montan-Stiftung-Saar of 15.12.2008): With the acquisition of further 21.17% altogether (through SHS and as own shares of DHS) of shares in DHS – Dillinger Hütte Saarstahl AG which were formerly owned by ArcelorMittal the shareholding structure of Saarland’s steel industry was restructured. The new shareholding structure has made possible a closer collaboration of the both steel companies that goes beyond the already existing successful cooperation at Zentralkokerei Saar GmbH (ZKS), ROGESA Roheisengesellschaft Saar mbH (ROGESA) and Einkaufsgesellschaft der Dillinger Hütte und Saarstahl mbH (Purchasing company of Dillinger Hütte and Saarstahl) as well as the use of further synergies. "The aim was and remains – not least of all in the form of the "steelworks solution for the Saar" implemented in 2001 and the successful model employing the "Montan-Stiftung-Saar" (Saarland Iron, Steel and Mining Foundation) – to secure and strengthen Saarland's steel industry as a whole, and thus also Dillinger Hütte and Saarstahl, as independent companies successfully active on their respective markets", declares Dr. Michael Müller, chairman of the SHS - Stahl-Holding-Saar board. SHS, which has functioned up to now purely as a holding company, will in the future perform new tasks for Saarland’s steel industry. The following procedure is envisaged: the core production and sales/marketing processes will remain within Dillinger Hütte and Saarstahl, and will be the responsibility of the respective boards of management. SHS will in the future bear responsibility for and perform tasks in the field of Human Resources, Finance and General Administration. The potentials for further synergies in the field of technical services, above and beyond ROGESA, ZKS and Einkaufsgesellschaft (purchasing company), are also to be investigated. Within SHS, responsibility for central functions, such as synergies, risk management, auditing and auditing, etc., will be borne by Dr. Michael Müller, who is also the chairman of the board of management. Dr. Karlheinz Blessing will be the board member responsible for Human Resources, and Fred Metzken for Finance. Both directors will continue to be represented on the boards of Dillinger Hütte and Saarstahl. "Dillinger Hütte and Saarstahl remain independent companies" emphasizes Dr. Michael Müller, continuing: "We intend, at the same time, to reinforce commonalities, intermesh the companies more closely, and create the bases for repositioning of the Saarland steel industry to meet the challenge presented by the markets in the coming decade on a cost-efficient and optimally equipped basis".
Innovative top-quality steel products, total orientation around our customers' needs and unceasing technological development in close cooperation with our partners form the basis of our success - as they have for more than 333 years.
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